Probiotic Foods by Pranama

Probiotic Foods

There is even more diversity of probiotic foods than drinks in the world. For centuries, many nations have been using fermentation techniques to preserve food for times of need, and it are these fermentation processes what produce probiotics. What are probiotics? They are live good bacteria that keep our gut healthy and help to improve the performance of our digestive system. This, in turn, has a whole set of benefits in our body, mind and spirit, and may even prevent or aid with some diseases.

We really like to experiment with different fermentation techniques, flavors and ingredients. This allows us to offer some tasty seasonal products, and we also have a set of constant foods that will complement your diet with probiotics and many other important nutrients. Keep reading!

Pranama Probiotic Foods


Coming down from Eastern Europe and Germany we have this tasty and juicy sour cabbage that is full of beneficial bacteria. Just as kimchi, sauerkraut (or chukrut) can be used as a side dish of your regular meals. Here we have suggestions of how to add sauerkraut to your diet.


This is a traditional spicy and wise Korean side dish made of fermented vegetables: napa cabbages, carrots, radish, onion, garlic, and others. We call it wise because having kimchi as a side dish adds loads of flavor and the valuable probiotics, vitamins and minerals to the meal. In our Blog we have recommendation on how to add kimchi to your diet, how to make kimchi pancakes and other fun kimchi facts. We are proud to have developed a fully plant-based kimchi recipe, so our kimchi is tasty and vegan-friendly.

Ingredients of Pranama probiotic Foods

All of our Pranama foods are full of probiotics and are made with plant-based, non-dairy, and ethically sourced ingredients, many of which come from our permaculture farm. We create with love and mindfulness, infusing each batch with the vibrational energy of Tibetan bowls and positive affirmations.

You can find all our products in the Store section of our website and see how you can order your probiotic goodness.

We are grateful for your attention! Keep reading more interesting articles, such as: how to incorporate probiotics to your diet, how probiotics help you to loose weight, yummy recipes using probiotics, how probiotics may help you balance your emotions, how sound vibrations influence positively what enters your body, and much more on our Blog.

We would love to hear your feedback, it helps us to grow and improve continuously, so please let us know what you think in the comment section below or sending an e-mail to And if you would like to receive valuable information on probiotics to your e-mail, please subscribe here to our Newsletter.

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